It depends on what type of mad reaction you're looking for. you could;
1. Clench your fists and maybe stomp your foot if you're looking for an exaggerated, maybe even comical display of anger
2. turn away slightly and grab your head/hair in a slightly hysterical anger
3. Shake your fist at them
4. Cross your arms over your chest
Or some combination of those things, I hope that gives you some ideas!
Yes. Potentially you can die. You would most likely become very ill as the bacteria will build up and when you eat it the bacteria will give you food poisoning symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea). If it is severe it can cause dehydration. It is dehydration that would cause organ failure and potentially death.
Regarding the anatomy of an arch, what is the springing line? The springing line is an imaginary line between where the curves of the arch begin on each side
Are you a girl ? If so give the zoom info
Countries, nations, society’s
Idrk your not giving much context