_________ the perpetual cycle of destroying the old and less efficient product or service and replacing it with the new, more ef
ficient ones, 2. the withdrawal of investments from activities (and regions) that yield low rates of profit in order to reinvest in new activities (and places)
"Creative destruction" the perpetual cycle of destroying the old and less efficient product or service and replacing it with the new, more efficient ones.
Creative destruction is a process which brings the new things with the disposal off the older ones. This can be used for variety of things like in economics, corporate governance, product development, technology as well as marketing. This also allows to operate in more productive way and in richer way. The citizen can also visualize its profits and also can get the better products, having shorter work week, better jobs and having higher living standards.
For a comet that has a very concentric orbit which brings it quite close to the sun and is at a distance of the AU of one thus making it around one year to orbit and would spend its time mostly in the beyond the orbit of the earth. As bodies that are closer to the sun move faster