El Paleozoico se divide en seis períodos: Cámbrico (la vida animal florece en los mares), Ordovícico (dominan los invertebrados), Silúrico (primer animal de respiración aérea), Devónico (aparecen peces con escamas duras y los anfibios), Carbonífero (aparecen grandes bosques de helechos, primeros reptiles etc,
Congress thought President Lincoln was being to sincere and forgiving toward the Confederate side of the US (remember that they seceded from the Union and formed their own goverment which started the American Civil War).
Presidency of John Quincy Adams - Wikipedia.
You could check in that.
On December 14, 1799, Washington died of a severe respiratory ailment. He humbly identified himself in his will as George Washington, of Mount Vernon, a citizen of the United States. I am not sure what you mean it says I'm thinking you meant citizens review George Washington so I'm not quite sure what the question is but I hope this helps some it may not I don't know.
The answer is c
In antiquity civilizations used their own language and enforced this language on conquered people. Ancient greeks used greek as their official language. The romans, on the other hand, prefered to use greek. The conquered minority groups had to subordinate themselves to the conquering empire, and adopt the official language, since neither the romans not the greeks were willing to learn other languages. (except for a few counter-examples such as Saint Augustine, who knew Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Punic, amongst others)