Piracy--the attack of piracy was the attacking of ships and taking of the goods.
Pirate or privateers worked in crews with a hierarchy targeting merchant ships to attack and take the good on the ship. The goods would then be sold on the black market or traded for other more valuable items. Royal ships were especially targeted as they often contained gold and other luxury items.
Event: First Olympiad
Date/Year: 776 BCE
The first Olympiad was conducted in 776BCE in honour of Zeus, the major sporting events are footrace, a javelin contest, and later wrestling matches were added.
Based on legend, the founder of the Olympic Games was Herakles (Hercules). Olympiad now known as Olympic in English language, is now a big events, in which all the countries in the world participated andit it contains some interesting sporting events.
The gas engine
You mean what is hat with an X?