The relationship between the side of an area on a map and it’s actual size on the Earth’s surface is called scale
the troposphere absorb outgoing IR radiation
Global warming is caused by the elevated temperature in the troposphere, which is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere, where it is more than 75% of the atmospheric mass and is the closest layer to the Earth. When the Earth is heated by the sun, it receives infrared radiation, which is re-emitted by the earth to the atmosphere. However, the greenhouse gases present in the troposphere, do not allow this infrared radiation to be released, as they absorb this radiation and direct it back to the earth, causing this radiation to be trapped in the atmosphere and generating an increase in the rates of temperature that cause global warming.
e largest of the continents is Asia, which covers about 17.2 million square miles
paraguay is directly southeast of Bolivia
<span>A Chilean reporter shares live footage of an earthquake on the Web</span>