Answer: The words, "The white man and the red man cannot dwell in harmony together. Nature forbids it..if peace can be obtained only by the sword, let the sword do its work," were spoken by D. Mirabeau B. Lamar.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, in its fifth edition (or DSM 5).
This a manual created and published by the American Psychiatry Association, which is used by most of today's psychologists for diagnostic related inquiries on mental health disorders.
Last updated, DSM 5, was published in 2013, and it is still consider as useful when seeking for statistic information.
c) illogical thinking.
Illogical thinking: The term illogical thinking is defined as the specific use of logical things or bugs in leading rationalization exercise.
In an illogical thinking, an individual or client is asked to demonstrate a particular behavior whether his or behavior or someone else's behavior. If the client's reasoning is intelligible and rational overall, then a small logical bug sticks together as a sore thumb.
In the question above, the cognitive theorists would say that her depression results in large part from illogical thinking.