These texts talks about the life experiences of American politician and retired general of the United States Army, Colin Powell. However, they do so in very different ways. In the case of <em>It Worked For Me</em>, Powell himself tells us about the jobs that he had when he was a teenager. Powell focuses on the relationship that he was able to develop with the Jewish shopkeepers he worked for. He tells us that this led to a meaningful friendship and even to his learning some Yiddish.
On the other hand, the text <em>Colin Powell: Military Leader </em>describes Powell's life from a third-person perspective. The author also talks about Powell's jobs as a teenager. However, he focuses on the impact that such work had on Powell's private life. The author discusses how Powell's normal teenage life was affected and benefitted by this experience. The different treatment of the subject by each text is a consequence of the ideas that each text wants to reflect. While the first text focuses on Powell's connection with a different culture, the second text highlights the impact that such early work had on Powell's character and future.
A, Because here we try to solve 3 problems, but for now we gave a some ideas about our matter.
This is the report writing
There are 4 types of doing report writing
- News reports
- An inverted pyramid is uses for planning a news report
- The report must include a headline
- The language is formal
- No contractions
- No colloquial expressions
2. Bised reports
- Only one side of the argument is supported in bised reports
- The title should be written
- No contractions
- No colloquial expressions
- Use relavent connective and linking words
3. Balanced reports
- Both sides of the argument are supported
- The language is formal
- No contractions
- No colloquial expressions
- Use relavent connective and linking words
- Impersonal style
4. Non-chronological reports
- Information based on facts is provided
- A title should be included
- Subheadings are used
- The language is formal
- No contractions
- No colloquial expressions
- Impersonal style
- Non-chronological reports begin with introduction and with a conclusion
It is easy
That the family must find a way to get rid of Gregor.
The correct answer is C
Brutus says that death is a benefit and that they did Caesar a favor by killing him, because that means he had less time to worry about dying. Then he asks everyone to bathe their hands and swords in Caesar’s blood so that they can walk to the marketplace, crying, “Peace, freedom and liberty!”