Because it is what people referenced and used when talking and going about the revolution. It described what the people wanted most, so the people used it.
Answer: In other words, it was a normal cabinet meeting in the age of Trump. What was once considered a dry policy discussion among restrained public servants has turned into a kind of West Wing performance art, featuring a president prone to exaggeration and his advisers taking turns praising him and his policies.
Everything was part of the colonial economic system: the overseas territories supplied raw materials to the metropolis and these often sold the manufactures they produced under a monopoly regime to their colonies. With the passage of time, these practices were banned in the different countries that carried them out. Or at least officially, since unofficially the slave trade continued well into the nineteenth century, practically until the last colonial territories obtained independence or achieved a more rigorous political status within the State than that of a mere colony.
The Zhou dynasty (Chinese pinyin: Zhou was a Chinese dynasty that followed the Sang dynasty and preceded the In dynasty.