B. It supports the myth by providing real facts about the custom of antelope hunting by the Kiowas.
Immediately options C and D should be eliminated. In the excerpt there is no mention of teepees or winter so these are not valid answers. This leaves option A and B. The difference between the two is that Option A says the description is from a personal point of view. A personal point of view should be written in first person with the pronouns I, me, my. The excerpt is written from third person point of view so it is not option A.
This scene reports Arthur's death and his departure from the world of the living.
This question is related to the novel "Le Morte d'Arthur". In the scene where Arhtur gets on the barge and goes to "the valley of Avalon" we can see that he is saying goodbye to his companions and saying that he will never see them again, but that it is necessary that they pray for his soul. This means that Arthur died, will leave his corporeal state and will be formed only of soul, because he will leave the world of the living. Your soul, however, is not as strong as your body and therefore will need the prayers of your friends.
We can interpret this through the excerpt:
<em>"Comfort thyself, said the king, and do as well as thou mayst, for in me is no trust for to trust in; for I will into the vale of Avalon to heal me of my grievous wound: and if thou hear never more of me, pray for my soul.
Print was more of a summary whereas radio was more into detail
Answer: Safety means to be protected or protect someone or something in ANY type of risk, no matter what circumstance. Take for example, a falling tree. In this scenario, the victim should be protected by some sort of implanted gear provided by the property to protect the individual from injury. Another scenario I could provide would be basic, like a sharp kitchen knife. The knife should be placed out of reach for the purpose of keeping a minor safe in the household. Most adults would also provide themselves with extra safety such as gloves, this way the blade isn’t able to cut through the skin of one.
Explanation: Hope this helps! :)