C code for half()
void half(float *pv);
int main()
float value=5.0; //value is initialized
printf ("Value before half: %4.1f\n", value); // Prints 5.0
half(&value); // the function call takes the address of the variable.
printf("Value after half: %4.1f\n", value); // Prints 2.5
void half(float *pv) //In function definition pointer pv will hold the address of variable passed.
*pv=*pv/2; //pointer value is accessed through * operator.
- This method is called call-by-reference method.
- Here when we call a function, we pass the address of the variable instead of passing the value of the variable.
- The address of “value” is passed from the “half” function within main(), then in called “half” function we store the address in float pointer ‘pv.’ Now inside the half(), we can manipulate the value pointed by pointer ‘pv’. That will reflect in the main().
- Inside half() we write *pv=*pv/2, which means the value of variable pointed by ‘pv’ will be the half of its value, so after returning from half function value of variable “value” inside main will be 2.5.
Output is given as image.
Semaphores carries the signal between the task and interrupts that does not carry any type of additional data in the embedded system. A semaphore is used as synchronization object and helps in maintain the value between zero and the specific higher value.
It basically reduced the value each time and complete the semaphore object in the embedded system. Binary semaphores is the main type of semaphore that invoke activation of the task.