Reprieve- Abandon or postpone plans to close or put an end to
Pardon- The action of being forgiven of forgiving for an error or offense Clemency- Mercy, lenience
Commutation- Action of commuting a judicial sentence
Amnesty- An official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses
Aztecs were located in south Mexico, so life was very warm and dry lots of deserts and not much water near them.. Also hunting was a huge part of Aztec culture so was farming and other natural properties....
I think they sank US ships and attacked US territory
President Truman ordered this to prevent Stalin from taking over the city. Stalin had blocked all supplies to Berlin in order to force the United States and the British to abandon it.
Answer B
Newspapers had become more popular and were printed daily. Because of this, several of the Federalists' essays were printed each week. Anti-Federalists had little time to come up with good arguments against the essays because so many were written so quickly.