The Indian Rebellion of 1857. The Indian Rebellion of 1857 was a period of uprising in northern and central India against British rule in 1857–58. The rebellion was the result of decades of ethnic and cultural differences between Indian soldiers and their British officers.
A door opened onto the street, but windows always faced the courtyard for extra privacy.
. Drains were laid under the streets
Truck jobber
Teri Bake delivers fresh cakes, breads, pies, and muffins to several small grocery stores in Central Radisova. In addition to delivering baked goods, Teri Bake's employees help the small store owners keep track of what they need to order, and they even remove outdated baked goods from the store shelves. Teri Bake is a truck jobber.
Truck Jobber is basically a merchant wholesaler that carries products to small business customer locations for their inspection and selection. This type of distributor performs primarily a selling and delivery function. They offer quick and frequent delivery which is especially essential for such items as bakery goods, meats and dairy product.
Teri is a truk jobber that frequently delivers bakery goods.
Adversarial System.
An adversarial system or adversary system is the legal procedure under which the parties present their cases before a judge or jury. The advocates of the two parties gather information, pieces of evidence, witnesses, etc that are to be present before the judge. The case is present before a person or a group of people who would be impartial and after seeing the evidences pass the judgment which they find to be true.
So, according to the definition provided and the statement given in the question the answer is adversarial system or adversary system.