1. Stars last forever
2. Nuclear fusion
3. Space
4. Name
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. A
<h2>5 minutes
1. In bidirectional replication; there are two replication forks, and each proceeding at a rate of 100,000 (as given in the question) nucleotides per minute.
2. So, by the given rate of replication, we can calculate that, it would require 5 minutes for the circular DNA molecule to be replicated by bidirectional replication because each fork synthesize 500,000 nucleotides in 5 minutes ( 100,000 per minute) ( as given, in 5 minutes × 100,000 nucleotides per minute= 500,000 and by 2 forks= 1,000,000) within the time period.
The answer is A: salt content
Olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, mica, and quartz