The cost of laptop and desktop differs from each other. The cost of replacing modem with another modem or router will also be an expense to the business.
Laptop cost $890
Desktop cost $1,130
Modem $50
while a used modem is $20
WAN is $0.02/GB
LAN is $20,000/year
This expense is basic in both the setups
Laptops $890 * 3 = $2670
Home Based additional expense
Rent $1,400
Modem $50
LAN $20,000
= $21,450
Building Network
Modem $50 * 3 = $150
WAN $0.02/GB * 950,000 = $19,000
= $19,150
Building a Network would be less costly.
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“It’s” is a contraction of “it is” and “its” is used when saying something belongs to someone like “the dog was small, so its house was also small”
If that song contains English words u can put the phrase on goog.le and add the language
What Is AIDS? AIDS is the late stage of HIV infection that occurs when the body's immune system is badly damaged because of the virus. In the U.S., most people with HIV do not develop AIDS because taking HIV medicine every day as prescribed stops the progression of the disease.
The emotion the narrator in Living to Tell the Tale mainly feels toward the thief is D: empathy.
In <em>Living to Tell the Tale</em>, García Márquez makes an autobiographical recount of all the characters that has been significant in his life. He starts writing this book when he finds out he has cancer and he thinks it is important to tell the readers about all the people that has, in some way or another, changed his life.
When he remembers the events in his short story <em>La Siesta del Martes</em>, which describes a woman arriving in town with her daughter to put flowers on the grave of her son who had been shot while attempting to break into García Márquez's aunt's house, he says he feels like if he was the thief. He reflect's himself in the thief. His autobiographical self is beginning to live the life of the characters ins his fiction.