Credibility of the source is checking the degree of authenticity of a source
(You want to know how reliable is this information?)
There are multiple factors that can help to check its credibility:
Is the author of the source trusted?
Is the background of the source safe?
Is it a primary or secondary source?
Have the source become unaccurate or
obsolete due to time?
Is there any motive or signs that the source is biased?
This is in my opinion one of the aspects that makes the central courts and the different lines of thought within a single subject so interesting. The clash of ideas that we have in this case is a perfect example.
On one side we have those who look at the current 30 million uninsured Americans, which include millions in Texas, and the undeniable success it had in Massachusetts. Most of them conclude that this mandate is a government success.
On the other hand, we can find those who believe that this is a terrible invasion of the government to the citizen's free will to choose their own healthcare options, they see government overreach, and at the same time an unprecedented intrusion on individual liberties to which there is no justification.
Unfortunately this is something that millions of Americans have been forced into. It's evident how they refused to create a public health care system, and instead give more power to the private sector.
After this short debate of ideas, I will give you one question to ponder on: Which principle is more important? Your freedom, your civil liberties, and your freedom from the government line of thought, or the possibilty of providing health care to millions of uninsured Americans?
I hope this solves your question!
During the American Revolution the way women were affected depended on location. Those unlucky enough to be the path of Major Ferguson or General Tarleton had their houses burned and if they had not gotten out of the way of their armies, they were killed. Some women went hungry.
A breakdown of trust within the financial systems, Vaults, Banks, etc.
Qing dynasty between 1661 and 1722