Answer: the answer that was here before me had a bunch of paragraphs
and turns out it was theres more information here lol but the last paragraphs i put in my own words hope this helpes also if theres something that bothers u with this answer plz comment down below so that i can fix it! thanks! and Peace!
so I checked this on a plagiarism site and its 31% plagiarized so i went to a paraphrasing site - https:// - just get rid of the space - so once i paraphrased it here i went back to the plagiarism checker and it said zero percent plagiarized, i recommend doing this before getting a bad grade, also u dont have to change the topic but it would most likely be safer
also is ur looking for a plagiarism checker don't to Grammarly takes to long lol
ok also also - here's for example the same exact paragraph just with a changed topic and phrased differently -
My peers and I debated whether schools should have healthier lunches or not. We had several different viewpoints and views on the subject in our debate. By gathering background research on the subject, I prepared for this discussion. We had debates between my party. Not all of us were in agreement with each other. I listed several factual pieces of evidence that led to my point of view: I agree that on a daily basis, schools should have healthier lunches. - Healthier lunches means healthier kids - according to an online source. Not only would it be necessary to eat healthier but it would also keep children more focused in school.
I shared with my peers this truth. Many did not agree with me, however. We remained on the topic and discussed each other politely. In order to support my opinion, I found that I needed a good understanding of the subject and background study. Overall, with my fellow peers, this was a
very efficient debate. I enjoyed discussing my experience and my opinion and describing it. As we concentrated, I felt that I was profoundly connected to my peers. I talked animatedly as I explained my reasoning. I needed their attention to be drawn. My peers and I had a fruitful debate, as you can see.
Also this paragraph is posted by muah XR - so this is just an example, remember to rephrase it and put it in your own words and to change the topic thanks!
mods are too picky for this world
it's the "Hey there! We're all about making friends, but please keep use of our question feature to school-related questions only. So follow the rules, ask solid questions and, of course, have fun! But remember to always stick to our Community Guidelines when you do!" for me
Reflexive verbs are formed with two main parts. The main verb is who is performing the action, and the reflexive pronoun is who the action is directed at. In the case of reflexive verbs, these will both refer to the same person. As you can see “levantar” is a regular -ar verb.
the events that are taking place is a new year, a new president, a morass of chaos in the white house, and rising global warming.
I would write it, "If we were teenagers at the time, these licenses would have signified our passage to adulthood." I hope that helps ^_^