Tanto si eres estudiante de música clásica como si simplemente eres un amante del arte, esta línea de tiempo te dará una buena visión general de las principales características de cada período, junto con sus compositores más famosos. En cuanto a la definición de música clásica, la usamos aquí para referirnos a cualquier música no pop, jazz u otra forma moderna de música, que surgió del Renacimiento para eventualmente estandarizar, y luego experimentar con, formas como la sinfonía, el concierto, y sonata.
Because he had become a Republican.
The exploration and colonization of the North and the South Americas by the Europeans had several aspects that greatly impacted the native people there. One of these aspects that made the greatest impact on the native people was the acquisition of valuable natural resources.
The Europeans were the first to explore the lands of the North and the South Americas. They were surprised and bewildered to find how blessed were these lands with abundance of valuable natural resources. With the idea of establishing their hold over these natural resources and fertile lands, the Europeans colonized the lands of North and South America and carried out more exploration activities to get hold of more valuable natural resources.