- The Vikings’ mythology, craftsmanship, literature, and seafaring skills became a part of the European inheritance.
Vikings changed the historical backdrop of Ireland, England, Russia, and other European nations. They set up new domains in Iceland, Greenland and incidentally, North America. From A.D. 793 to 1066, Vikings assaulted, exchanged, tested, vanquished and settled in numerous territories.
The Statue of Liberty, the most famous symbolic statue of a woman, was modeled after Marie Bartholdi, the sculptor's mother." "Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi knew he wanted to build a giant copper goddess; he used his mother as the model."
According to funtrivia.com
Italy invades Ethiopia. Benito Mussolini, the fascist leader of Italy, had adopted Adolf Hitler’s plans expand German territories by acquiring all territories it considered German. Mussolini followed this policy when he invaded Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) thé African country situated on the Horn of Africa
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