Before the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln and other leaders of the anti-slavery Republican Party sought not to abolish slavery but merely to stop its extension into new territories and states in the American West. This policy was unacceptable to most Southern politicians, who believed that the growth of free states would turn the U.S. power structure irrevocably against them. In November 1860, Lincoln’s election as president signaled the secession of seven Southern states and the formation of the Confederate States of America. Shortly after his inauguration in 1861, the Civil War began. Four more Southern states joined the Confederacy, while four border slave states in the upper South remained in the Union.
The North West Ordiance primarily aimed to facillitate the creation of future states in the region.
C. white Southerners who supported the Reconstruction government
It was a derisive term used by white Southern Democrats who opposed Reconstruction legislation.
Both were fought over the government and gave more power to the common man.
They did not want to share political and economic freedom with freed slaves.