An isometric contraction is the kind of contraction that leads to development of tension but no increase in length.
An isometric contraction occurs as the muscle produces tension without changing the angle of a skeletal joint. Isometric contraction is a static muscle action that helps to maintain the posture. For example, the antigravity muscles. It occurs in the biceps when the arms may be holding a weight. In such a posture, the biceps enlarge due to holding of weight and produces tension but do no increase in length. It stops the flexion of elbow. In such contraction, no work is done, and lesser amount of heat energy is released in comparison to isotonic contractions.
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definition:the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other
people or things or being set apart
In health and social care, as a practicioner you're usually required to not disclose any information about your client openly to other people.
The only exemption here is when doing an super- or intervision with your peers, here you can "breach" this confidentiality with obviously still presenting this person as an anonymous case.
Another exemption is when you're given information that revolves around possible hurting other people or self-hurting coming from the client itself.