For the third time, Ligonier Ministries has examined the State of Theology in the United States, conducted by LifeWay Research and based on interviews with 3,000 Americans. The survey, also conducted in 2014 and 2016, offers a detailed look at the favorite heresies of evangelicals and of Americans at large.
The correct answer is Stomach Cancer
According to numerous research and empirical evidence found in that research, acculturation of Japanese in the United States led to the reduction of stomach cancer in people. This was a result of different eating habits that came with immigration and that influenced one another and caused people's stomachs to react differently to various foods.
The Fertile Crescent is a region between the eastern Mediterranean and the the valleys of Tigris and Euphrates. This region is very important in the human history as this is the region from which the first civilizations arose, mainly because it enable the people to produce food on large scale and be able to have a settled life style. Also, this is a region that is very important because from here spread the monotheistic religions, such as the Judaism, and Christianity, but also the Islam even though it started off in Arabia, it is a religion descendant of the previous two.
Answer: stop the financial suffering that occurred once the Medidi withdrew their money from the city
Cosimo Medici was captured by his rivals and sent on exile. While in exile, he engaged in politics and soon grew powerful and worked hard to return.
However, a short time later, the people of Florence invited him back because the Medici family had withdrawn their financial support from the city.