B) The enzyme has active sites where the substrate binds with the enzyme to form a complex. When the substrate binds to the active site, an induced fit is formed where the enzyme changes its shape in order to better serve the substrate and lower the activation energy of the reaction
ADA is an enzyme that is used to breakdown the food chain.
ADA is also called adenosine deaminase. It is an enzyme. It is a purine metabolism. ADA is used to needed for the breakdown of the adenosine from the food chain. ADA is found in both small and large form. The enzyme presented in it has polypeptide chain. It is folded in eight strands.
The ADA contain zinc. It is found in deepest site and combined with five form such as 15, 17, 214, 295 and the substrate.
The ADA is is inversible dominates the adenosine. It is considered the key enzyme of the purine metabolism. ADA in human beings work for development and maintenance.
Adaptions to collect and retain water - thick, non-pourous stems, not leaves, but thick lobes and the ability to store water until its needed.
It is a unicellular organism. Yeast are a polyphyletic group of species within the kingdom fungi. They are predominantly unicellular.