It’s important to use safety equipment for in line skating and skateboarding because with safety equipment when accidents occurs you are sure of not sustaining injuries and also not to lose your life. It’s always advisable to properly secure yourself before starting such games.
A printable Snellen Chart, which you can download online.
Something to cover one eye at a time, like an eye patch or a paper cup.
Tape or tack to hang the chart on your wall.
Pencil or pen to record your results.
Fallopian Tubes: tubes in the female body which allow eggs to travel from the ovaries to the uterus.
Testicles: male organ used to produce sperm.
Uterus: organ in a female where offspring are conceived and where they grow before being ready to be delivered.
Scrotum: the pouch of skin containing the testicles on a males.
Ovaries: female reproductive organ where eggs produced.
Vas deferens: used to get the sperm from the testicles to the urethra.