Carrying capacity, or the maximum number of individuals that an environment can sustain over time without destroying or degrading the environment, is determined by a few key factors: food availability, water, and space
Radioactive labeling is a procedure used to monitor the path followed by a chemical element within a biological system to demonstrate the source.
The free oxygen produced during photosynthesis comes from water.
Single-celled algae were placed in four petri dishes containing carbon dioxide, glucose dissolved in Water.
In each box the oxygen was radioactively marked.
1 petri dish with CO2 marked. Experimental groups
2 petri dish with H2O marked. Experimental groups
3 petri dish with Glucose marked. Experimental groups (control)
4 petri dish with CO2 + H2O + Glucose, all marked. (control).
The natural spreading of particles through a liquid or gas is called diffusion
Light waves or gravitational waves sorry if not correct