Injections that contain 2 mg atropine and 600 mg pralidoxime chloride.
The chemical exposure with the nerve agent can cause drastic health related problems in the soldier's body. The soldiers should given proper medications before entering in the risk areas.
The entering of soldiers in the chemical exposure should be given 2 mg atropine and 600 mg pralidoxime chloride. These are known as Mark I automatic injectors. Diazepam can also be administered in the partner.
It is a biological process by which an organism reproduces an offspring who is biologically similar to the organism.
I hope I have cleared ur doubt if not do mention in comment
Nutrición humana: una descripción general | Temas de ScienceDirect ›temas› nutrición humana
La ciencia nutricional continúa descubriendo mecanismos cada vez más complejos de cómo ... Así, la leche materna se considera un alimento completo específico de la especie (Lönnerdal, ... Si este fuera un fenómeno generalizado, podría explicar algo de la corriente.
Peacocks would not be in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
This can be justified by the mating patterns of the female peacocks. They do not choose their mates randomly but look out specifically for bright attractive plumage in their male partners and then select them.
Hardy-Weinberg's Equilibrium of evolution mechanism was based on facts like random mating, no natural selection, mutation, absence of gene flow, and infinite population size.
They stated that organisms mate randomly with each other without any specific or a particular preference in the phenotypes of their opposite mates