I think i no idea <span>Sandstone is a(n) ____ sedimentary rock.??
A food web shows how organisms in a community prey and feed on each other (feeding relationships). It is composed of many interconnected food chains. In addition, it, therefore, shows how energy is transferred up an ecosystem from the primary producers (in this case the trees and grass) to the tertiary consumers (in this case the hawks and wolves).
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To enlarge crops or mix types for a different flavor ,pest control,or if a type of vegetable is fading away
This can be because of their genetics. The siblings may not have inherited their parents looks, but maybe they inherited their grandparents looks, or even their aunts looks. This is all due to genetics. It's sort of the same thing, when two caucasian parents have an african-american child. That would be because somewhere along the family tree someone was african-american.
Anyways, I hope this helps!
False. The root of the Eukarya is probably within the Archaea, but this was only discovered six months ago. The consensus hasnt yet shifted from thinking the tree of life has three distinct domains. In any case, bacteria are a separate domain to Archaea.
- Hope this helped. :) -