The rich became richer and the poor poorer.
The definition of apartheid refers to a political system where people are clearly divided based on race, gender, class or other such factors. An example of Apartheid is a society where white people are considered superior and people of other races are mistreated.
Example in africa: Though apartheid was supposedly designed to allow different races to develop on their own, it forced black South Africans into poverty and hopelessness. ... It was illegal for a black person not to carry a passbook. Black people could not marry white people. They could not set up businesses in white areas.
Imperialism is aiming towards creating an empire. Someone taking control over themin that way would possibly cut off the resource volume. It let to slave trade and damaged many cultures.
This is false.
If Banana corresponds to the code 458124 you would have few possibilities of combination for the letters of BANANA: B=4; A= 5-1-4; N=8-2.
Now if BANANA becomes ANANAB does not matter the combinations of ANANA the last letter which is B should only be the number 4, so the code would have to be 4 in the last letter on the right side. So the code 421458 is not the right one.
Option C.
Submission to Allah, is the right answer.
The root word for Islam is “Salama” which implies to “Submit”, “Submission”, etc and in the context of religion, this term Islam means "voluntary submission to God. Islam is a monotheistic faith that taught that there is only one God that is Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God.