Taking on the view of someone following God, God said when creating the earth to work 6 days and to keep the 7th holy. He even says in the 10 commandments to keep the Sabbath holy (which Is the 4th commandment). So not keeping the Sabbath was basically disobeying God which is why its so important for followers of Judaism (and Judea-Christians) to keep it holy/a day of rest.
So sorry but I'm not answering your question cause I really didn't come here to help people, you see I'm a chaotic evil, so I'm pretty sure I'll just go around this website doing the same thing to other people that I'm doing to you. While getting answers myself.
D. Competition leads to efficiency.
Mercantilism was a set of practices that aimed to strengthen the wealth of European states, by establishing a strong trade and expanding the economy resulting in the promotion of the enrichment of the bourgeoisie that could pay more taxes.
During this period of time, sea expeditions were heavily influenced to find new markets for local trade, the sense of economic competition between countries also began, which promoted a better quality of products to be stipulated. In this way, it was believed that competition was driving the efficiency of production processes.