The work of the children was a common custom among peasant and artisan families. In the first decades of the industrial revolution, a large number of boys and girls worked in factories and coal mines. The industrial revolution produced important changes in the lives of millions of people. Many started working in factories and many of them were children. In the first English factories, these children were under the age of seven, forced to work between twelve and fifteen hours every day of the week. They did not eat properly, they were in an environment full of danger and dirt, they could not go to school or play because they spent long hours working.
Correct answer:
O It helped Britain maintain its vital supply lines.
As Europe countries was continuously threatened by Axis power of Germany, Japan and Italy, Roosevelt proposed a solution that would help the embattled Britain and strengthen the United States’ defenses against any future threats: the Sept. 2, 1940 Destroyers for Bases Agreement.
Bound by the Neutrality Acts, Roosevelt suggested a trade: air and naval bases within Great Britain’s colonies for 50 of the Navy’s over-aged destroyers. He could justify the swap because outlying bases would keep invaders from reaching America’s shores.
abortion was legalized in the US
The southernmost tip of Africa
The Karoo is a semi desert natural region of South Africa. No exact definition of what constitutes the Karoo is available, so its extent is also not precisely defined
The Bear Flag Revolt was a direct result of a yearning among United States citizens living in California to have their territory join the United States. The appearance in the territory by American army officer John C. Fremont spurred these citizens to rise up against Mexican rule.