Granite is a light-shaded molten stone with grains adequately huge to be obvious with the independent eye. It structures from the moderate crystallization of magma beneath Earth's surface. Stone is made basically out of quartz and feldspar with minor measures of mica, amphiboles, and different minerals. Granite slabs are gotten from unique locales that are known as quarries. Utilizing incredible machines, a mining organization mines and shoots crude rock out of the quarry. Processing Machines Cut the Slabs. After rock has first been mined out of the earth, it will be in an exceptionally harsh structure.
d. shallower and narrower
Product width basically refers to how many different product lines are sold, and obviously a supermarket sells hundreds of product line, while a vending machine generally sells soft drinks or snacks, which is only 1 product line.
The product depth refers to the amount of products sold, and a supermarket is much larger than a vending machine so it can sell many more products.
The answer and procedures of the exercise are attached in a microsoft excel document.
Please consider the data provided by the exercise. If you have any question please write me back. All the exercises are solved in a single sheet with the formulas indications.
It is true
Chartered Accountants most especially external auditors are trained to provide assurance services that will give credit and reliability to the financial information being presented to the users by the directors.
Their services include statutory audit and other related assurance services.
The report produced by a Chartered Accountant (e.g External Auditor) gives reasonable assurance to the shareholders of the company or any other external users.