The interpretation of the particular circumstance is provided in the subsection below.
- Arachne seems to have been a warrior throughout Greek mythology who confronted Athena but was also turned into some kind of spider as more of a result. The myth consists of three main variants. One account seems to have it that she's the child of a shepherd, who has been exceptionally competent in weaving.
- It illustrates the strength of gods, as well as the moral implications of wrath. Religious belief becomes the reason, otherwise.
I uploaded the answer to a file hosting. Here's link:
Secret meeting of Hamilton, Madison, Jefferson.
metaphors compare two concepts that at first seem unrelated
A. The section titled "Saturated Fat" describes how fast food can lead to elevated cholesterol, which causes arterial plaque buildup and increases risk for heart disease.
Got a 100 on the same test .. :)