Make a study schedule! organize all your notes and materials .flashcards work or find a study buddy who needs someone to push them to focus on the task as well.
NOTE- I have not used every thing on this list but I added them so you can see what works for you :) happy studying
for homework help include khan academy, lit charts, brain(duh), Wikipedia- note I wouldn't use wiki as help writing an essay or something it's not considered a reliable source for things like that. wolfram alpha.
to help with bookmarks and citations
Instapaper, pocket, easybib also if you need a grammar checker for things you have to type you can download Grammarly to your desktop I'm using it now and it's so helpful.
to help with note taking
notability, Evernotes, my script nobo, penultimate, supernotes, pages, office lens.
to help with organization istudiez
,todoist,,wunderlist,treilo, my homework
to help with productivity
audimemo, lastpass, dragon diction,freedom,pomodroido
for flashcards, i really recommend quizlet or study blue.
for math calculators use math way it's so helpful and one of the best calculators I've ever used.
note- if you have a school iPad or something this list can help a lot.
phew finally let me post :D
hope I helped - beanz
balance sheet
The <u>balance sheet</u> shows how the capital is structured in the business, including the value of assets and the amount the firm owes at a specific point in time.
Supply and demand
First is important to remember the supply and demand principle. We can analyze this by the law of supply and demand.
The law of supply states that "the quantity of a good supplied rises as the market price rises, and falls as the price falls".
Conversely, the law of demand says that "the quantity of a good demanded falls as the price rises, and the quantity of a good increase as the price decrease".
For this case if the manufacturing plant close 20% of the people in the area will not have a job and the prices of the real state values will tend to decrease and if the prices decrease the quantity falls from the supply law.
A market
share objective is the reason they encountered losses. Market share often pursues by companies when industry sales are relatively
flat or declining. Although increased market share is a primary goal of some
firms, others see it as a means to other ends: increasing sales and profits.