Oceania became a supply source in 1788 for the settlement of Australia. Pigs from Tahiti were landed at Sydney in 1793, and until 1826 the trade remained important, although it was subject to price fluctuations.
To trade with island people.
Answer:This is an example of how INSTITUTION impact our communication and relationships.
An institution is an organization created by people which operates formally in maintaining a particular members of the society who falls under that organisation.
Certain authorities are responsible in running these organisations and they are rules,standards or norms and traditions associated with how each individual should carry themselves if they are part of those organisations.
These rules may also guides the members on how they communicate or form relationships.
Churches are one of these institutions under which there are ways of living that the members are expected to follow such as not dating before marriage or not divorcing after marriage.
The three branches of the government. Judicial branch, Executive branch, Legislative branch.
Most of the people in Afghanistan and Pakistan is about 75% more Sunnis than shias in Pakistan and Afghanistan most of them are the type (Sunni)