Europe never had the unity it used to - the kind of unity China had because of geographic barriers, ethnic linguistic diversity, & shifting balances of power. Could not unite into Roman Empire. Rise to frequent wars, enhanced role of status of military men, and drove "gunpowder revolution."
Complete answer: The President of India is referred to as a Nominal Head of State because India obeys the parliamentary system of the Government. In reality, the power is exercised by the Council of Ministers and it is headed by the Prime Minister of India.
Women or people that haven't been baptized yet(catechumens) are usually placed in the area preceding the narthex of the church, known as the exonarthex. Women of royal blood usually had a special seating area inside the very church, turned towards the nave.
the word unity refers who lenses, harony,solidarity and peace where as divers if cation ... hence,unity in diversity means all indigenous living in a country being one,malntaining their respective diversities. unity is based on tolerance of physical,cultural,social aspects
Between 8-10 years old, children are able to mentally combine, separate, order, and transform objects and actions. Their ability to apply logic and reason increases, as does their ability to focus attention. They are able to consider multiple perspectives and apply various thought-out strategies. And while they struggle with understanding abstract or hypothetical concepts, children this age can apply mental operations to concrete problems, objects, and events.