A famous elm tree that stood in boston
Answer: The following is true about Neuro-developmental disorders: <u><em>All Neuro-developmental disorders are diagnosed in early childhood.</em></u>
These disorders are a unit of disorders in which the improvement of the central nervous system is distressed. This also includes developmental brain dysfunction, which can manifest as neuropsychiatric problems or diminished motor function, learning, linguistic communication or non-verbal abstraction.
These disabilities impact a child's conduct, mental representation or cognition to learn e.g. dyslexia, ADHD, and autism.
Based on the scenario above, it can be inferred that Tyra is
experiencing referential thinking. This is a tendency in which an individual
has a view of something that is not even harmful to have a meaning even if it
is not true and that the individual exhibits a disorder or associated with a
type of trait.