The correct answer is "both Cdc6 and Cdt1"
The replisome is a complex molecular system that allows for the replication of DNA in yeast. There are multiple genes that participate in the replisome function, however if a researcher finds out that a yeast strain fails to properly form replisomes it is very likely that the genes that might be mutated are both Cdc6 and Cdt1. Cdc6 and ORC are the genes that send the signal to the yeast to start the replisome formation, and Cdt1 is a DNA replication factor that if it is mutated it could cause that yeast is not able to form the replisome.
It is necessary for the pancreas to secrete a high pH solution into the intestine in order to neutralize the acidity of the processed food particles [chyme] that are passed into the intestine and to provide a suitable pH for the enzymes in the intestines that will act on the processed food particles.
Lisa and Shirley, because upbringing has more of an impact than genes
where is the digram but without it how we now about the error
according to meitis the lungs
since lungs fallunder breathing system