B. To study changes over time
The nurse disclosed room number of patient and also the diagnosis.
Even if the nurse has not disclosed the name of patient, she disclosed other details of patient like the room number or diagnosis. Such kind of information when revealed breaches client confidentiality.
In most instances, inappropriate leaks of information are accidental. Nurses may think that information they posted is private, however, in reality the information posted can be accessible shared to many other recipients. Also, there may be instances when the information deleted from a site can be still accessed by using other means.
The three features are (1) citizens’ political actions are driven by their opinions, (2) public opinion helps explain the behavior of candidates, political parties, and other political actors; politicians look to public opinion to determine what citizens want them to do, (3) public opinion can also shed light on the reasons for specific policy outcomes.www.wwnorton.com/college/polisci/american-politics-today2/full/ch/.../outline.aspx
The "mirror test" consists of painting a red spot on the baby's forehead or nose, large enough so that he/she/they can see it easily, and place it in front of a mirror. If the child tries to touch the reflex, it means that he/she/they do not understand that the image is his/her/their own. But if /he/she/they try to clean or touch the spot on her face, it's because he/she/they already aware of her image.
Here are reasons why you should visit the Murray river: its one of the longest navigable rivers in the world, its fun for all ages, full of life (birds), the river looks magnificent, this river is one of the worlds greatest river, it spans 3 states, and 40% of Australian food comes from the Murray river region so there will be amazing food if you visit the river.
sorry i couldnt write it as if im the person that much because im in the middle of a quiz