The right answer is:
d. linguistic, theological, and cultural differences.
In 1054 AD, the year of the schism of Christianity, many differences and contradictions had accumulated. The theology of the Eastern Church was based on Greek philosophy, while the Roman Church´s theology was based on Roman law. Here was a source of misunderstandings, particularly around a fundamental doctrine: the emanation of the Holy Spirit from the Father. The Orthodox Church also questioned the enforcement of celibacy by Rome, the exclusive right of bishops to administer confirmations and the presence of unleavened bread in the Eucharist. Political rivalries and interests also played a role in this division that continues until today.
The amount of energy it takes on peoples labor to physically carry water back to their village and worrying about evaportation in hot weather which makes water transportation party weather dependant.
Looking for a clean source of water in the first place is also a tough one.
The Federalists believed that American foreign policy should favor British interests, while the Democratic-Republicans wanted to strengthen ties with the French. The Democratic-Republicans supported the government that had taken over France after the revolution of 1789.