Nearby deserts and mountains affected life in ancient China by protecting them from nomad invaders and people who came to attack China.
It was not until the Silk road that China went around the mountains and threw the deserts to trade with other peaceful nations.
The first one!!! They were both in the Supreme Court!!
Por qué tú eres perfecta sin el 90 60 90 después del mundo yo darle la vuelta que tenía lado y no me ha dado cuenta que tú eres pero
When someone who didn't study for the exam blame his inability to pass the exam on his luck.
Attribution error occurs when people diver the cause of a situation that supposed to be internal into something external.
In the example above, the reason why that student fail the exam is because he come to the exam room unprepared. But rather than acknowledging his mistake, he rather blame all of it on luck (which is outside of his control) in order to protect his own ego. In such situation, that student has comitted an attribution error.