1. The rulers who came to power after Charlemagne failed to defend the empire.
2. Europe was threatened by Muslims, Magyars, and Vikings in the 9th and 10th centuries.
In the Mayflower Compact, those who signed it, also agreed to the creation of a society that would preserve order and to help them reach their goals. They agreed to create several laws, offices and constitutions that would aid the common good. They also agreed that the laws they created would be supreme and agreed to abide by them.
Collectivist Cultures are more likely to commit Fundamental Attribution Error.
Fundamental Attribution Error is a concept in which any kind of action of person is attributed by a person to disposition or behavior instead of circumstance or situation.
<u>Individualistic societies are easier to understand individual choices and impulsive actions while socially collective societies tend to generalize behavior in terms of socially accepted codes.</u>
As such, collectivists would usually attribute actions through their bias.
<em>The answers are:</em>
I cannot raise taxes.
I must shrink the budget deficit.
I cannot cut Medicare spending.
I am required to increase military spending by 20 percent.