1- Nous n'avons aucun guichet automatique qui fonctionne.
<em> we don't have </em><em>any</em><em> ATM working. (none of them)</em>
2- Il ne me reste plus de timbres de cette collection.
<em>I have</em><em> no more</em><em> stamps of this collection</em>
3- Votre colis ne va jamais arriver à temps pour les fêtes.
<em>Your parcel is </em><em>never </em><em>going to arrive on time for the holidays</em>
4- Personne d'autre ne peut vous aider.
<em>Nobody</em><em> else can help you.</em>
5- Nous n'acceptons que les billets de moins de 50 euros.
<em>We accept </em><em> only </em><em>banknotes less than 50 euros</em>
6- Il n'y a rien d'autre à faire.
<em>There is </em><em>nothing</em><em> else to do.</em>
7- Nous ne faisons pas ce genre de choses.
<em>we do </em><em>not</em><em> do that kind of things.</em>
8- Aucune enveloppe n'est en vente ici.
<em>No </em><em>envelope is for sale here. (= none)</em>
<em>Most of the time the negations in French are double =</em>
<em>"ne" before the verb, and after the verb "pas" for a simple negation.</em>
<em>then you have =></em>
<em>ne-----jamais = never</em>
<em>ne ---que = only</em>
<em>ne ----plus = not anymore, no more</em>
<em>French does not'have the "some" "any" ... for different negation forms..</em>
Hope this helps ☺<em>☺☺</em>