--Block immune cells from crossing the blood brain barrier.
--Stimulate the regeneration of myelin.
Multiple sclerosis or shortly known as MS is an unpredictable disease caused in the humans. Multiple sclerosis affects the central nervous system of our brain which causes the disruption in the flow of the information within our brain, and between our brain and the body.
It is a very rare disease.
The symptoms of MS may vary and includes double vision, weakness, fatigue, impaired coordination, pain, etc. Though there is no permanent cure for MS but scientist and doctors around the world suggest that by blocking the immune cells and stopping them from crossing our blood brain barrier can prevent this disease.
Multiple sclerosis can also be prevented by stimulating the myelin to regenerate.
Answer:En los EE. UU., el agua se usa de muchas maneras, incluso para consumo humano, riego agrícola, enfriamiento de plantas de energía y generación de energía hidroeléctrica. Además, los ríos, lagos y océanos permiten actividades de navegación, pesca y recreación.
Cytotoxic can directly attack and kill other cells
nuclease enzymes break the phosphodiester bond between two nucleiotides.