Every person has values and ethics he believes in and his behavior is guided to a great extent by these values and ethics. Values are beliefs that a person holds about things and aspects of life. These are guiding principles that mold a person’s behavior all his life. Ethics are codes of conduct that decide what is wrong and what is right in a particular circumstance. These are also known as morals and are a result of evolution of mankind.
Senatorial courtesy
Senatorial courtesy are usually said to be groups or sets of unwritten traditions in which state-level federal judicial posts nominees are confirmed not when senator from the state in which the nominee will serve pose an opposition to it( opposed it). This common tradition in it's applicability also affect or influences the courts of appeal when an opposition occurs from the nominee's state senator.
In appointment processes or procedures, the senatorial courtesy plays a huge role in that the federal appointees approved by senator are the ones that the Senate of the president's party in the state involved are the ones accepted.
w (greater then or equal sign thingy) 5
Answer: Option (A). the Freedom of Information Act
Explanation: Sandra needs to invoke the Freedom of Information Act if intend to find out what information the federal government has on her. The Freedom of Information Act is the law that gives citizens the right to access information from government institutions and agencies. it is mostly referred to as a law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. The Freedom of Information Act is a law that requires the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information controlled by the U.S government upon request.