respiration and decomposition
Respiration is when animals breathe in oxygen and use it to produce energy, releasing carbon dioxide and water as by-products. In simpler terms, it is the act of breathing.
The correct answer is iron-transport proteins
Siderophores are proteins produced by bacteria, and compete with the host's iron-transport proteins. They aim to bind and "hijack" the host's cell iron molecules for their own pathogenic cell processes
QUESTION--> <span>The nucleolus is where _______ are constructed.
</span>ANSWER--> C) ribosomes
Darwin called the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment fitness.
Some organisms were fit to do all of these things, whereas others were not.
The organism will pass on the traits to their offspring. If the offspring also has an increased chance of survival it will have a higher chance of passing on the traits. Over a long period of time the entire population can inherit this trait.
According to the theory of natural selection organisms with beneficial traits are more likely to survive to the reproductive stage and pass on the beneficial gene to their offspring. <em>Natural selection selects beneficial traits.</em>