'Earls and barons are not to be fined except by their peers, and only in accordance with the nature of the offence'.
Clause 22: Nullus clericus amercietur de laico tenemento suo, nisi secundum modum aliorum praedictorum, et non secundum quantitatem beneficii sui ecclesiastici.
'No clergyman is to be fined on his lay tenement, except in accordance with the nature of his offence, in the way of others mentioned in previously, and not in accordance with the size of his ecclesiastical benefice'.
Volcanic Activity
Vancouver Island was formed around 150 million years ago, when volcanic activity pushed sedimentary rock upwards from the sea floor to form the island landscape. Around 12,000 years BC the retreating of glaciers allowed the Strait of Juan de Fuca to be formed as the Pacific Ocean flooded inland.
Every law passed by the government is based on Sharia.
All Muslims are guided by the Sunnah, but Sunnis stress its primacy. Shia are also guided by the wisdom of Muhammad's descendants through his son-in-law and cousin, Ali. Sunni life is guided by four schools of legal thought, each of which strives to develop practical applications of the Sunnah.
I hope this helps