Routing is process of selecting and establishing the routes that data packets take on their way to a particular destination (specific IP addresses). Broadcasting on the other hand is the simultaneous transmission of the same message to multiple recipients. In contrast to routing, broadcasting lacks the ability to direct packets to a specific address. When it comes to security, routing is not necessarily more secure than broadcasting. Without goof security protocols other users can read messages even if they aren't the recipient of the packet.
Do you have options? In my personal opinion, however, blur could be caused by motion blur, or focusing on the wrong thing, Hope this helps any!
<span>Authorizing technologies are technologies that controls the use of system and network resources through authentication and authorization.
</span><span>Enabling technologies are innovation technologies that drive radical change in the capabilities of a user or culture.
</span>Obstructing technologies include blocking<span> and filtering, content manipulation, attacks.
</span>Preemption means "prior seizure of" and preemptive technologies <span>take control of the operating system from one task and giving </span>it<span> to another task.
</span><span>Technologies that function within the established system are called enabling technologies.</span>