1 way is keep the page up. Don’t take the page down. If new inventory is en route, keep the product page up and alive. A 404 error will be an even worse experience for consumers coming from a search engine or, perhaps, a link on a social media site.
Moreover, a search engine bot might remove your page from the index if it’s down for an extended period. When new inventory is in your warehouse, there might not be many customers left to buy it.
stay inside ovowed people
it ceeps growing because people wont stay awsy from eachothe or stay in side its common sense...
If someone gets a perfect score on the SAT, they will most likely have 1 to no friends because she or he would be studying all the time. The reason she or he may be studying all the time may be because of their family. Their parents may push them too hard which made them feel like they have to get straight A's and it is a way of making their parents proud. On the other hand, they might have also be living in a poor area. Most kids from a young age may see their parents and where they are at now and use that as something that pushes them to do good in life to get out of an area like that. They are not social at all and they most likely are a teacher's pet. They never go to parties or get in trouble. They most likely have a perfect attendance.
Rudy baylor - main protagonist
cid- tritagonist/ main antagonist