Public opinion can be influenced by public relations and the political media. Additionally, mass media utilizes a wide variety of advertising techniques to get their message out and change the minds of people. Since the 1950s, television has been the main medium for molding public opinion.
BIDEN 2020
Effects on farmers
•Provide for more people
•planted more crops
Effects on laborers
•More inventions = more factories
•more factories = more jobs
•more jobs = more immigrants
•more immigrants = more workers
Effects on Women
•factories meant less need for homemade goods
•made women closer to family
•less children
•single women could work in factories
Life is short, nasty, and "brutish".
This was not a belief of Voltaire.
Voltaire did not believe in any single religion, and also he never believe that one was needed to believe in God.
He was very much interested in the natural was that were underlying in all religions. Like most of Enlightenment thinkers, Voltaire considered himself a deist.
<span>1. Define republic, patrician, plebeian, imperator, Christianity, clergy, laity.
Republic: The state of power rests on citizens
Patrician: A person of high ranking
Plebeian: A person that is part of the 'common people'
Imperator: an absolute ruler
Christianity: a religion
Clergy: A body of ordained persons in a religion
Laity: a body of religious worshipers
12 tables: The foundation of all other laws for the Roman legislation
Law of nation: All citizens are protected under all laws.
I don't know what 5 means sorry
Romans were able to obtain large amounts of slaves through 1) conquest, when they conquered and enslaved other people, through 2)debt, where a person goes and works for a the loaner for a certain amount of time. Slaves were used to help do everyday chores and labors, such as helping out at the house, going to the well to draw water, etc.
Greek: Start of the Olympic games; Came up with the alphabet; had the first idea of democracy; common people elect a leader; had juries made up of common people, etc; used marble; made the column; making sculptures of real people; invented "symmetrical".
Roman: Invented numeral system; apartment uses & welfare systems; planetary names; invented concrete; invented aqueducts and sewers; built roads that were connected together and still used today.
these are just a few things that the two civilizations gave us today
8) Gladiator fights, chariot races, the one where humans fought animals (forgot the name), etc
hope this helps</span>
I'm not sure what you mean by 'partially caused' but I do know the causes of both revolutions:
Causes of American revolution:
» Unequal trade laws
» Taxes have no representation
Causes of French revolution
» Food crisis and high prices
» Bankruptcy
» Discontent
» Unemployment
(: hope this helps