Answer: The closer high and low air pressure areas are to one another, the more wind there is. That's why, for example, coastal areas tend to be very windy. During the day, land heats up more quickly than the sea. So when air over land rises, cooler air over the water blows in to fill the gap.
1. Theory
2. Goals?
This is a complete guess
A president can serve two terms. Each term is 4 years. So he can serve a total of 8 years.
The correct option is option D
Based on the text, the patriot act of 2001, which expanded government surveillance measures in order to combat terrorism, is the statement the author most likely agree with.
The Patriot Act is a U.S. law enforcement to detect and deter terroris enacted shortly after 9/11 attack, this act allows the government to conduct widespread surveillance and obtain a secret court order requiring third parties, such as telephone companies, to hand over any personal information without the consent of the owner. This act violates the Fourth Amendment, which says the government cannot conduct a search without obtaining a warrant and showing probable cause to believe that the person has committed or will commit a crime.