Your class has been discussing how they spend time with their pets and your teacher has asked yo to write an essay about how care for a pet. In your essay, you should write about: you would
-What you would do for your pet
-Reason for your choice
-The benefits of keeping pets
Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view. (125-150 words)
Ummmmmm bullying is not not good it is terrible and sometimes if it is so bad it will make people want to kill them selves and it also lowers self esteem and confidence and overall it just makes people lives like a living HELL!!!
The Correct answer is Proud and Expressive.
“Child of America” is written by Aurora Morales. It is a poem that talks about social diversity. The context of this poem is about an American who came from a mix of different cultures that makes her heritage and identity as an American and part of which having a Spanish influence in her history.
Romeo does not want Jullet to be like Rosaline, who was like the goddess Diana
An allusion is person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance